Wednesday, July 15, 2009

UP-DATE ~ 7 Day Challenge~

The 7 days are up! I have lost 2lbs.!!! Yeah!!
For a total of 5.7lbs!!!!!
I am very pleased with the results . I know you all may think it not much but for me its good . I take meds that slows my metabolism . It took me 1 whole month to loose 3lbs. So 2lbs in 1 week is great!! LOL!!!

The 3 Fast Miles got easier with each day of working-out . Each mile is a 13 minute mile!!! Its surprising how fast time goes . I will try to work up to the 5 fast miles(not today).
I have walk 28 miles so for this month !!!
You know what, I am really enjoying this (I know it sounds crazy but I really do!!)

I noticed that I have so much more energy when I exercise and I feel so good !!!

Now I just have to make this a daily habit . I really don't have a problem with dieting . I just need to move this body more!!!

One thing that has helped me alot was getting a pair of running shoes . WOW!! What a differences the right shoes makes . I was having a problem with the side steps but with the running shoes NO problem at all!!


QuiltSue said...

Scuse me? Did you say you were enjoying this? You're right, it does sound crazy (gg). Still at least I can stop crossing and uncrossing my fingers now can't I?

bettyp said...

Sue you always make me smile!!!

vgautreaux said...

cute shoes!

WTG on the weight loss!!

daisyduke53 said...

I am so happy for u. hugs camille