Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Small Milestone~

Just wanted to share a little something......

My husband,Leo and I will be married 40 years come this November. Well on our 35th anniversary he got me a beautiful 2 carat Anniversary Ring !!!
(similar to the one pictured here)
About 1 year or so later it was to tight to wear :( and I refused to get it enlarged .
Now that I have lost 10.5lbs I can wear it again !! Yeah!!! I was so happy last night when I tried it on and it fit again . I know to others this is not a big thing but to me it HUGE!! It only makes me want to stay the course and get rid of the extra fat and to be healthy............


Anonymous said...

Just found your blog this a.m. and Yes! it is a wonderful thing and a great morale booster that your gorgeous ring can be in its rightful place! I know where you are coming from as my ongoing battle with pounds does the same thing...I love to garden & cook and everything tastes so fresh right now. Congratulations on 40 years together. We just reached 43 years on 8/20! Your candid words about yourself are a joy to read. Thanks for sharing. Have a good weekend.

vgautreaux said...

Congratulations!! I think its just great that you can wear your beautiful ring again! Wear it with pride! =)

annette said...

that is awesome!
keep up the good work!

QuiltSue said...

How wonderful. That must have been a fantastic boost to your motivation. Keep up the good work (Oh, and try and lose some of my excess weight too, while you're at it please!)

Irishgirlsews said...

Wow your weight loss is inspiring, I'm also a walker, every AM, (Its so darn hot here in NE Fl, I begin my walking at 6:30 AM to beat the heat). That is so great that your beautiful ring that your wonderful hubby gave to you fits again!

Colleen's Blog Long Island NY said...

Betty, yes it is a big thing. I bet it was a thrill to be able to wear it again.

Mary Johnson said...

Congratulations! Every pound helps and gets you closer to your goal.

Queen of pink in a house of blue said...

40 years in itself is a GREAT accomplishment!

then, to lose the weight so you can wear your beautiful ring again, is WONDERFUL!!!

you are doing great!! KEEP up the great work!! it's paying off!