Wanted to finish it yesterday but it was such a busy day for me that I decided to want till today and start fresh.

I don't know why the pictures are so dark.........................

You can see I used the different fabrics on the binding. I always look to use up those little scraps:0)

I tried making each car a different color . This was a lot of fun to make. Now I need to start on the 3 valances very soon.

The train quilt is so cute. You did a fabulous job! You are also doing so well with your walking. I have dug out my Sansone tapes and started again :-) Hope I can keep it up!
Congratulations. This quilt is so cute. I think it is absolutely the best train quilt I have ever seen. Great design, fabrics, colors. And you truly did a fantastic job.
Thanks for sharing.
It's great and your DGS will love it I'm sure. Has it seen it yet?
Dakota came yesterday with his Mom and he did LOVE!!!
I want to also make a pillow sham to go with it and the 3 valances .
Thanks for the kind words . Its always so wonderful for you all to come visit my blog!!
Beautiful!!! You do such fine work.
The train quilt is adorable! You should be proud that it turned out so well!!
The train quilt is awesome!! I love it!
It came out WONDERFUL! you do such great work!
i'm sure Dakota is loving it!
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