Friday, January 8, 2010

~ 7 Months Today ~

I have been walking now for 7 months !!

WOW!! Can hardly believe it !! I surprised myself for sticking with it . I guess that's the beauty of having Leslie's DVDs in the house just ready to pop in and workout . I love her workouts so much!!

So now on to the really great news !! I am finally down 25lbs!! Yeah!!!
I wanted so badly to hit the 25lb loss by Christmas but missed it(too much Carrot Cake,German Choc.Cake,Christmas Cookies and the list goes on and on)but that's another story.....

Update on the walking is : 396.5 miles in 6 months loss 23 lbs

December was not a big walking month for me . My knee was still sore so I just cut back some on the walking and it did a world of good for the knee, now I can do a 5 mile workout and it doesn't bother me at all !!
This is the DVD that I been using this week . Its a 5 mile walk , very fast (I love fast) 65 min. You use the hand weights ,the waist belt and the stretchy band in this one for strength training.
I will have some quilting pictures very soon !! Been working on something special (can't say just yet)


vgautreaux said...

WooHoo! Congratulations! I like your spirit!!

Jocelyn said...

Great job! I started to walk last spring but when I sprained my foot in August all that came to a halt. I am just now slowly trying to get back into it. Still have a little foot pain, but my BP has been up, so I really NEED to get walking with Leslie. Keep it up. I love reading about your progress.

SewCalGal said...

Congratulations! I'm very proud of you. This is a gift that only you can give yourself. ..and what a delightful gift it is too! 25 lbs. Yippee!


Queen of pink in a house of blue said...

Awesome JOB!
Good for you for sticking to it and WOO HOO on the 25 lbs lost.

keep it up!! you are doing a GREAT job!

QuiltSue said...

Woww. I think I need to go and have a lie down after just reading about what you have been doing.

Colleen said...

Good for you Betty. You should send an email to Leslie and let her know how you did. I am sure she likes to here from people about how her DvD's are helping people reach their goal.